What is the Friends and Family Test?
The NHS has asked GP Practices to provide patients with the opportunity to provide feedback, following their treatment. This is known as the Friends and Family Test (FFT).
The FFT consists of two questions:
- A statutory question “…would you recommend The Village Surgery to your friends and family.” to which the answers vary from “Extremely likely” through to “Extremely unlikely”.
- Each Practice can determine the second question – we have chosen 'Can you tell us why you gave that response?'
How are we doing this?
From 1 December 2014, if you visit our GP surgery you can use the kiosk in the area outside the doctors room, or you can fill in a paper form in Reception or do it online .
NHS Friends and Family Test is a quick and simple way of collecting patient feedback to improve services.
The information will give our GP practice invaluable feedback on what you think of the care and treatment you have received, which along with existing ways of gathering feedback, will help us to make improvements and improve the experience for our patients.
The Friends and Family Test has already been successfully rolled out in hospitals across the country and is proving to be valuable in obtaining patient experiences. For more information on the Friends and Family Test, please visit www.nhs.uk/friendsandfamily.
We now have the results for the Friends and Family test for the period from 1st January 2015 until 29th February 2016 when 194 patients responded
Extremely likely | 52% | 100 |
Likely | 22% | 42 |
Neither likely nor unlikely | 5% | 10 |
Unlikely | 10% | 20 |
Extremely unlikely | 8% | 15 |
Don’t know | 4% | 7 |
| | 194 |
Many patients responded to the second question - the majority with very positive comments and these together with other comments will be reviewed by the Patient Participation Group and results then published